Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Clang Clang Clang Went the Trolley!

I am crushing big time on the nice Jewish boy who I barebacked two days ago at the gym. I know very little about him but I am sexually obsessed and that is causing me to take what little I do know about him and construct all sorts of the archeologists did with the ruins of Machu Picchu.

I know his first name (Noah). I know that he takes raw cock up his ass from total strangers -- or at least he did on at least one occasion. This could mean he is poz. Or maybe he's in denial...thinks I looked too healthy to have HIV. So basically if I see him again and we have to discuss such matters, we will either learn we have something in common or he will turn white as a ghost and excuse himself to go get tested at GMHC. (I didn't cum inside him and my viral load is undetectable but yes, it is entirely possible that I infected him.) It is also possible that our gym schedules will never sync again and I will never learn what became of him and his immune system.

He also plays basketball. He owns his own ball. He was dribbling it as we walked together out of the YMCA. Guys who play contact sports are so hot! He owns a Blackberry (where he took down my number) and he lives somewhere in my neighborhood. He says that his brother is visiting but that could be an excuse for something he has a live-in girlfriend he doesn't want me to know about.

So today I go to the gym and I look for him. He's not there. I consider going down to the basketball courts to see if he's shooting hoops but that's too stalkerish even for me. I finish my workout and hit the showers. Before I do I check my iPhone and there's a message from Daniela alerting me to the fact that Mercury is in Retrograde. In astrological terms, this means that for the three weeks that Mercury is "going backwards" you are not to begin a new relationship as it will fall apart when Mercury starts going forwards again. So Noah and I are not to be. I put my iPhone into my locker and walk into the steam room.

I am sitting there for a few minutes and he walks in. Or I think its him. The room is steamy and he doesn't acknowledge my presence. He jiggles that doodad to make the room steamier and walks over to sit behind me. He smiles. I smile. We do it again. I suck his cock, he sucks mine. I eat his ass. I fuck him raw AGAIN and just as it starts getting good a ghostly figure appears at the glass door and we separate. A guy walks in -- probably gay -- and seems very interested in seeing more of what he just almost walked in on. More people walk in. It's Grand Central Station.

We retreat to the sauna. No one is in there. We start fucking again and he whirls around and cums all over me. It gets all over my hands. I lick my fingers and put my mouth on his cock which is still spewing jizz. It's hot.

Test #5. Now that he's cum (for the first time in my presence), will he run away and never look me in the eye again? Wow no, he doesn't. We sit there in the sauna and chat about how funny and hot this all is. A guy pokes his head in. "You know this thing isn't on?" All of a sudden, it occurs to me that we are sitting in a luke warm sauna in this strangely casual post-coital position. Our knees are almost touching. The only thing missing are two cigarettes. Oh, that's why the sauna is empty. The gay guy from the steam room walks in and pretends to enjoy the luke warm sauna.

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